100% FREE Home Care Time Tracking Software

Reliable time tracking for home care professionals and agencies, so you can free up more time for patient care. Free for unlimited users.

A nurse and an elderly patient smiling.
  • Home care time tracking on any device.

    Thousands of patients count on home care

    Focus on providing them quality care and leave time tracking to Jibble

    Track time from anywhere and from any device, whether you’re visiting patients at their homes or working from your office. All it takes is a few quick taps.

    Jibble is designed with users in mind: simple interface and intuitive features for powerful time tracking. No extensive training required.

  • Home care time tracking with GPS capabilities

    Time tracking with GPS capabilities

    Know where your caregivers, nurses, and aides are at all times

    Home care can be tricky, especially when handling patients from several locations. You want to ensure your team is where they should be, providing the care your patients need.

    With Jibble’s GPS tracking feature, you can easily keep tabs on your team’s whereabouts. Quickly access maps and view live employee locations, ensuring they’re always in the right place at the right time.

    GPS tracking
  • Geofences shown around patient homes via Jibble's home care time tracking app.

    Set up geofences around patient homes

    For enhanced location control

    By enabling geofencing restrictions, you can enforce stricter location policies, allowing team members to clock in and out only from designated areas. This ensures they’re physically present where they need to be, enhancing accountability and efficiency in home care services.

    Manage patient locations and geofences
  • Custom home care activities and tasks.

    Track time against custom activities and tasks

    Know where all those hours are going

    Easily track time against custom activities and tasks to ensure your team’s efforts are allocated efficiently. Whether it’s patient care, administrative tasks, or other activities, Jibble helps you know where all those hours are going. It also helps staff prioritize their responsibilities for the day, ensuring no time is wasted.

    Set up activities
  • An overview of tracked time and activities on the Jibble dashboard.

    Dashboard insights

    Quick glance, complete overview

    Get a clear picture of who’s in, who’s out, and what everyone in your home care team is up to. With Jibble’s intuitive dashboard, you can easily track hours by organization, group, schedule, or location, giving you full visibility into your team’s activities.

    Plus, with filters to customize your view by day, week, or month, you can quickly access the information you need to make informed decisions.

    Manage your home care team on the dashboard
  • Automated timesheets shown on the Jibble home care time tracker.

    Automated timesheets

    Real-time data available whenever you need it

    All time entries recorded on Jibble are automatically synced to employee timesheets. This way, you can be sure that your records are always up-to-date and accurate. No more manual data entry or chasing down missing timesheets—Jibble takes care of it all seamlessly.

  • Multiple schedules assigned to different home care staff.

    Create custom home care schedules

    Make them as flexible or fixed as you need them to be

    Jibble lets you easily customize caregiver schedules based on authorizations, care plans, and specific patient requirements. It doesn’t matter if your healthcare team works fixed 40-hour weeks or more flexible shifts, you can create and manage multiple work schedules for individual employees or the entire team with just a few clicks.

  • Home care employees tracking time with a quick face scan.

    Enhance time tracking security

    With facial recognition

    Enable facial recognition for more secure clock-ins. This way, you can be sure only authorized caregivers are logging their hours.

    Using their mobile devices or a shared kiosk, Jibble’s AI technology verifies each team member’s identity, giving you peace of mind and eliminating the risk of buddy punching.

    Learn more about how facial recognition works
  • Tracking overtime hours and applying custom overtime rates.

    Keep those extra hours in check

    To prevent overwork and unnecessary overtime

    Set custom overtime rules and limits. Whether you need to calculate overtime after a set minimum time worked, account for paid or unpaid breaks, or allow time before scheduled hours, Jibble’s time tracking software lets you manage overtime efficiently.

    Overtime tracker
  • Continuous mobile time tracking even when offline.

    Offline tracking

    Continuously track time even without the internet

    Don’t let internet interruptions disrupt your time tracking. With Jibble’s offline mode, your time entries are securely stored and automatically synced once you’re back online. It doesn’t matter if your caregivers are in remote areas or experiencing connectivity issues, Jibble’s offline time tracking software ensures seamless tracking without any worries. 

    Offline time tracking
  • Setting custom leave policies and time off on the home care time tracker.

    Convenient time off management

    Easily manage time off to avoid staff shortages

    Managing time off for your home care team has never been easier with Jibble. Handle time off requests and approvals at your desk or on the go. It’s all right within the Jibble app. Add leave days, review requests, and keep track of remaining entitlements all in one place.

  • Time reports and visual charts exportable as XLS or CSV files.

    Comprehensive reporting

    Better insights, better results

    Learn how to better serve patients and improve task allocations with Jibble’s advanced analytics and reporting features. Group time data by date, member, activity, project, or client to drill down into the information you need, ensuring efficient task management and optimal patient care.

    Export reports as CSV or XLS, or have them regularly sent straight to your inbox.

    Reporting and Analytics
  • Reviewing time off requests from home care staff.

    Streamline timesheet approvals

    No more paper trails or complicated spreadsheets

    Easily review and approve timesheets right from your web browser. Owners, admins, or managers can have the power to approve timesheets for their team members with just a few clicks. Keep your timesheet management simple and efficient with Jibble!

  • Time tracking reminders sent on mobile.

    Stay on track with smart reminders

    Ensure your home care team never loses track of time

    With Jibble’s smart reminders, your team will never forget to clock in or out again! Set up reminders based on time or location to ensure everyone stays punctual. You can also remind your team to clock in when they arrive at work or automatically clock them out after their shift. Whichever way you prefer to do it, Jibble has you covered.

    Enable push notifications
  • Onboarding via SMS, email, or links.

    Get started in a snap

    Quick and simple onboarding, as it should be

    Invite your staff via email, SMS, or a simple link, and they’ll be jibbling in and out within minutes. Our step-by-step guidance ensures a smooth setup process so you can focus on what matters most – providing exceptional patient care.

    Start onboarding now - it's FREE!