100% FREE Gym Attendance App

Track staff attendance, schedule training sessions, and keep gym members on track toward their fitness goals. Free for unlimited users.

Two gym members clocking in attendance using Jibble.
  • Clocking in gym attendance on mobile.

    Consistency is key when it comes to fitness

    Not just in your reps, but also in attendance

    Let’s face it: you’re not going to see those gains or achieve those fitness goals if you’re skipping workouts left and right. Improve staff and member attendance by tracking and managing attendance properly.

    With consistent attendance, members can progress steadily towards their fitness goals, whether it’s building strength, improving endurance, or losing weight.

    Attendance tracker
  • A man lifting weights and a woman using a stationary bicycle to exercise.

    Clock in quickly and securely

    Unrivaled efficiency when it comes to attendance

    Record attendance with a few quick taps or by entering a secure member PIN. Jibble makes attendance easy so you can spend less time figuring out attendance and more time lifting those weights!

  • Clocking in at the gym with a quick face scan.

    Level up attendance accuracy

    With facial recognition

    Enable facial recognition attendance so your gym members can clock in hands-free. All they need to do is take a quick selfie and they’re good to go!

    It’s not only quick and easy but it’s also completely secure. Now you can be sure only the right people can access to your gym facility.

  • Logging in attendance by scanning a gym RFID card.

    Prefer RFIDs to facial recognition?

    Jibble has you covered too

    No more manual attendance sheets or messy spreadsheets. Just grab your RFID-enabled gym tags, and clock in with a single tap.

    Jibble’s RFID attendance app can sync up with external readers, so don’t worry even if you don’t have an RFID-enabled device. Just connect one to your device or tablet, and you can start tracking attendance with ease.

    RFID attendance
  • Centralized gym attendance from a shared attendance kiosk.

    Set up a gym attendance kiosk

    For seamless and centralized clock-ins

    Turn your mobile device into a dedicated attendance kiosk for your gym or fitness center. Place it near the gym entrance so members remember to clock in before the start of their workout sessions.

    Online attendance kiosk
  • An overview of the Jibble dashboard, with visual charts and real-time attendance data.

    Keep in sync with gym member activities

    Via Jibble’s comprehensive dashboard

    Know who’s in, who’s out, who’s pumping iron, or hitting the treadmill.  With just a glance at the dashboard, you can ensure that the gym is adequately staffed to support your members’ fitness journeys. Plus, keep track of gym programs and sessions to ensure everyone is in sync with their training plan.

    Manage gym members via the dashboard
  • Setting custom schedules for each gym member and trainer.

    Seamlessly schedule training sessions throughout the day

    Set attendance goals and monitor progress

    With Jibble, you can customize training sessions to fit the diverse schedules of your gym members. Whether it’s early morning yoga or an evening HIIT class, our app allows you to create multiple schedules to accommodate different groups and time slots. Assign each member to their preferred schedule and ensure they get the support they need.

  • Tracking attendance on mobile. complete with offline mode and GPS capabilities.

    Need to monitor attendance on-the-go?

    You’ll be happy to know that Jibble works on mobile too!

    Access the Jibble mobile app on your Android or iOS phone so you can keep tracking and monitoring real-time attendance wherever you are. The mobile app is also equipped with advanced features like GPS tracking, facial recognition, and offline tracking.

  • Attendance charts and reports which can be exported as XLS and CSV files.

    Comprehensive attendance reports

    Better attendance insights for powerful results

    With Jibble’s powerful reporting and analytics, you’ll gain valuable insights into gym attendance patterns, absences, and late arrivals, allowing you to identify trends, monitor member progress, and optimize your gym’s operations for maximum results.

    Export data easily as XLS or CSV files and schedule automatic reports to keep everyone in the loop with their progress.

    Attendance reporting and analytics
  • Billing integrations for seamless gym member billing.

    Client billing integrations

    Easily stay on top of member payments

    Jibble easily integrates with Xero, QuickBooks Online, Deel, and other popular accounting software applications. Carry over gym member attendance data and billing details, and swiftly keep all your billing and invoicing needs in check.

  • Time and location based reminders for attendance.

    Stay on track to achieving fitness and attendance goals

    By enabling smart reminders

    Jibble’s smart reminders ensure you and your gym members stay on track with your fitness and attendance goals. Whether it’s clocking in for a weightlifting session or clocking out after a cardio workout, Jibble’s reminders help form a habit of logging their attendance.

    Members can even customize their reminders for added flexibility. These reminders tap into the competitive nature of gym-goers, fostering a culture of consistency and motivation.

    Enable push notifications
  • Onboard with Jibble via SMS, email, or link.

    Ready to bulk up gym attendance?

    Onboard your entire gym team in minutes

    Sign up, send invites via email, SMS, or by forwarding them a link, and you’re good to go. If you encounter any hurdles along the way, just reach out to our 24/7 customer support team for assistance.

    Start onboarding now - it's FREE!