Job Resignation Letter Template
A job resignation letter is a formal document that communicates an employee’s decision to voluntarily leave their current position and terminate their employment with the company.
The letter typically includes:
- The name of the employee.
- The job position they are resigning from.
- The intended date of resignation (typically with a notice period, as per company policy).
- The reason for resignation (optional or as required).
- A statement of gratitude towards the employer and the company for the opportunity.
- A mention of willingness to help during the transition or work towards a smooth handover of responsibilities (optional).
- A polite closing expressing appreciation and best wishes for the future.
The letter confirms the employee’s intention to resign and serves as a notice of their decision.
We have curated the following job resignation letter template for you that ensures a respectful and smooth departure. Download now to express your decision professionally and gracefully.