Guide to Firing Employees in Illinois for Employers

April 12th 2024

Firing an employee is a complex and often stressful process for any employer, especially when navigating the specific legal and ethical considerations in Illinois. Whether you are running a small business or managing a large corporation, understanding Illinois’s employment laws is crucial to protecting your business and maintaining a positive work environment. This guide is designed to provide employers in Illinois with up-to-date information on how to legally and respectfully terminate an employee.

This Guide Covers

What Does Firing an Employee Involve?
Differentiating between Firing, Layoffs, and Resignations in Illinois
Why the Termination Process Matters in Illinois
Termination Laws in Illinois: What You Need to Know
Legal Implications of Wrongful Termination in Illinois
Required Documents for Employers and Terminated Employees in Illinois
Who is Responsible for Terminating in Illinois?
How Long Should the Termination Process Last in Illinois?
How Can You Prepare for Termination in Illinois?
Steps for a Respectful Termination Process in Illinois
Post-Termination: What Happens Next?
Legal Considerations During Termination in Illinois
Bonus: Best Practices for Reducing Litigation Risks in Illinois

What Does Firing an Employee Involve?

Firing or terminating an employee is the process of permanently ending an employee’s contract of employment with your company. In Illinois – a state that is no longer governed by “at will” employment laws – reasons for termination must qualify as a “just cause”. Employers in Illinois must therefore be cautious in their termination decisions, and understand the specific legal requirements for firing, layoffs, and resignations. 

Differentiating between Firing, Layoffs, and Resignations in Illinois

In the context of employment terminations, it’s vital for employers, particularly those in Illinois, to understand the differences between firing, layoffs, and resignations. Each scenario carries unique consequences for both the employer and the employee, in particular. Handling them appropriately is key to ensuring a fair workplace and adherence to state and federal laws.

Firing in Illinois

Firing, often referred to as termination for cause, involves an employer’s decision to dismiss an employee for specific reasons. Unlike other US states, Illinois does not follow the “at-will” employment doctrine. As of January 2022, employers are no longer permitted to terminate employees without cause. What counts as a “just cause” now includes: 

  • Failure to fulfill employee responsibilities to a satisfactory standard 
  • Employee misconduct
  • When an employer has a legitimate economic reason, which cannot include staff redundancy due to a merger or acquisition

Anti-discrimination laws in Illinois now serve as an essential layer of protection, ensuring that even if an employer cites a reason for termination, it cannot be a pretext for discrimination. The same goes for retaliation or violation of public policy. 

When firing an employee in Illinois, employers must ensure that the termination doesn’t discriminate against race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), national origin, ancestry, marital status, protective order status, military status, citizenship status, work authorization status, and arrest and conviction records (in certain circumstances). 

Documenting a “just cause” for termination is necessary for employers to adhere to both the Just Cause Regulation and laws protecting employees against discrimination and retaliation. 

Layoffs in Illinois

Unlike firing, layoffs are not based on the employee’s work performance or conduct. Layoffs occur when a job position is eliminated due to economic downturns, efforts to reduce company expenses or organizational changes. However, layoffs are also subject to the Just Cause Regulation and can only happen for bona fide economic reasons. 

For mass layoffs or plant closures, the Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires companies with 75 or more full-time employees to give a 60-day notice period. 

When carrying out layoffs, Illinois employers must ensure that the process for selecting which employees will be laid off is impartial, just, and based on clear business needs. Furthermore, it is advised to offer support like severance pay, assistance in finding new employment, or outplacement services to lessen the blow for those who are laid off.

When conducting layoffs, employers in Illinois should ensure that the selection process for which employees are laid off is non-discriminatory, fair, and based on objective business criteria. Furthermore, It is advisable to offer support like severance pay, assistance in finding new employment, or outplacement services to help mitigate the impact on affected employees. 

Resignations in Illinois

In Illinois, a resignation is when an employee chooses to quit their job voluntarily. Employers should always handle resignations in a professional manner, initially by requesting a resignation letter from the employee for documentation purposes. The details, such as the final day of work, can then be discussed and finalized according to company policies and the employee’s wishes. 

Following an employee’s resignation, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the final paycheck is issued in line with Illinois’s wage payment regulations, which specify how and when final compensation should be delivered. If the resignation comes unexpectedly or occurs under less-than-ideal circumstances, it might be worthwhile for the employer to arrange a personal exit interview to uncover potential issues within the workplace.

For firings, layoffs, and resignations, it is essential that employers comply with current legal requirements and approach each situation with professionalism and compassion towards the individuals involved. Doing so not only fulfills Just Cause legal obligations but also contributes to a positive work environment.

Why the Termination Process Matters in Illinois

The termination process in Illinois is particularly important due to the state’s stringent labor laws and the heightened focus on employee rights. Here’s why the termination process matters:

  • Just Cause Regulation: As of January 1, 2022, Illinois is no longer following the employment-at-will regulation. Instead, the Just Cause regulation is now in effect, meaning employers can only terminate an employee for a “just cause”. This includes failure to satisfactorily perform job duties, egregious misconduct, or bona fide economic reasons. If an employer fires an employee for any other reason, they may face legal consequences like wrongful termination claims. 
  • Avoidance of Wrongful Termination Claims: A “just cause” for termination cannot be discriminatory, retaliatory, or in violation of public policy. Employers are still vulnerable to wrongful termination lawsuits if an employee believes that they were terminated on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex or any other unlawful reason. To avoid these legal complications, employers must document the termination process to defend against such claims. 
  • Maintaining Workplace Morale and Reputation: Firing or laying off employees without justification is not only illegal, it can also impact the morale of the team and the company’s reputation. Employers can maintain a positive work environment by handling terminations with respect and transparency, communicating any changes in organizational structure, and fairly distributing work to the team.
  • Minimizing Legal Expenses: Mishandling a termination can lead to significant legal expenses, such as settlements or fines for breaching labor regulations. Employers can reduce these financial risks by adhering to a thorough and legal termination procedure. 
  • Ensuring Continuity of Operations: An effective termination involves reassigning roles, transferring knowledge, and clearly communicating the reasons for termination and information on severance benefits. This approach helps keep the team on track and minimizes interruptions of workflow. 

Termination Laws in Illinois: What You Need to Know

Laws Regarding Termination of On-Site Employees in Illinois

  • Just Cause Regulation: Employers in Illinois can only fire an employee for a “just cause”. This includes failure to satisfactorily perform job duties, egregious misconduct, or bona fide economic reasons. Compared to “at-will” employment states, Illinois is more strict on what counts as a lawful termination. 
  • Illinois Human Rights Act: This act prohibits termination based on protected classes beyond those under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including ancestry, marital status, protective order status, military status, citizenship status, work authorization status, and arrest and conviction records (in certain circumstances). Under the Civil Rights Act, it is also illegal to terminate an employee on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 
  • Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act: Illinois enforces a whistleblower protection act known as the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. This protects employees who disclose information about employer wrongdoing from retaliation. Employers who terminate employees for reporting such information are at risk of legal repercussions for violating state law. 

Laws Regarding Termination of Remote Employees in Illinois

  • Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act: For large-scale terminations that affect remote employees, this WARN Act requires companies with 75 or more full-time employees to provide a 60-day notice period in cases of mass layoffs or plant closings, similar to on-site employees.
  • Privacy and Data Security: When terminating remote employees, Illinois employers are responsible for managing company data securely and in compliance with regulations. This involves deleting data and recovering company-owned equipment and information. 
  • Agreements and Policies for Remote Work: Any specific agreements or policies related to remote work must be adhered to. For example, company policies regarding termination procedures or notice periods for remote employees may differ. It’s crucial for employers to follow these stipulations to prevent legal issues.

In Illinois, the legal implications of wrongful termination can be extensive and complex, given the state’s robust employment laws and protections. Here’s a detailed look at these implications:

  • Violation of Anti-Discrimination Laws: Illinois enforces strict anti-discrimination laws, through the Illinois Human Rights Act. This Act, along with federal laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibits discrimination in employment based on protected characteristics like race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, protective order status, military status, citizenship status, work authorization status, and arrest and conviction records. Employers found violating these laws may face penalties, including compensatory damages for lost wages and benefits, punitive damages, and the payment of the plaintiff’s legal fees.
  • Retaliation Claims: In Illinois, it’s illegal for employers to fire employees in retaliation to reporting an employer’s illegal actions or behavior. Remedies for such cases may include the employee’s reinstatement and compensation for lost wages.
  • Violation of Public Policy: “Just cause” for termination in Illinois cannot include a violation of public policy. This includes dismissal for refusing to engage in illegal activities, fulfilling statutory obligations like jury duty, or exercising legal rights. Termination against public policy can result in compensatory and punitive damages.
  • Constructive Discharge: Constructive discharge cases, where an employee is forced to resign due to intolerable conditions driving them out, can result in claims of wrongful termination. These cases are viable if the working environment breaches legal standards or employee rights. Possible consequences for these cases include compensation for lost wages and emotional distress.
  • Financial and Reputational Impact: Wrongful termination lawsuits can have serious financial consequences for companies in Illinois, including both the direct costs of damages and settlements and legal defense. Furthermore, such lawsuits can have a long-term impact on an organization’s reputation, hindering the ability to attract and retain employees as well as impacting partner relationships. 
  • Effect on Workplace Morale: Wrongful termination lawsuits can adversely affect the morale and productivity of remaining employees. Staff may feel a sense of job insecurity and unfairness, impacting job satisfaction and loyalty among the team. 

Required Documents for Employers and Terminated Employees in Illinois

Employers’ Requirements 

  • Termination Letter: Employers should provide a written termination letter to the employee outlining the “just cause” for termination and the effective date. This document is especially important in Illinois where an employer must state a “just cause” for termination. The letter should also include details on final pay and benefits, if applicable.
  • Final Paycheck Documentation: Illinois law requires employers to pay terminated employees the remaining final wages by the next regular payday. The final paycheck must include other types of compensation owed such as commissions, bonuses, and accrued sick and vacation pay. Documentation of this payment, including any accrued vacation or bonuses, is crucial for legal compliance.
  • Benefits Information: Employers must provide information regarding the continuation of benefits, such as Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) notices for healthcare, if applicable. This ensures employees know their rights post-termination.
  • Record of Employment: Keeping a detailed record of the employee’s tenure, including performance reviews, disciplinary actions, and training records, is important for legal protection, especially in Illinois. These documents support the “just cause” for termination. Employers must ensure that none of these documents reference unlawful reasons for termination such as race, color, religion, sex, or whistleblowing.

Terminated Employees’ Requirements 

  • Acknowledgment of Termination Form: In Illinois, employees may be asked to sign a form acknowledging the just cause for their termination. This document is the employee’s confirmation that the terms of their termination are lawful.
  • Company Property Return Acknowledgement: If applicable, employees should sign a document confirming the return of company property like ID badges and equipment. This procedure helps prevent future disputes over property ownership post-termination. 
  • Non-Disclosure or Non-Compete Agreements: All non-disclosure or non-compete agreements remain in effect post-termination. Employees should retain copies for their own records and review the terms for compliance.
  • Unemployment Claim Forms: Terminated employees who qualify may apply for unemployment compensation. It’s advisable for them to retain copies of all communications related to unemployment claims.

Who is Responsible for Terminating in Illinois?

During the process of employee termination in Illinois, it’s vital to understand the distinct roles and responsibilities of various key players within an organization. This ensures that the termination is conducted legally. The primary stakeholders in this process are Human Resources (HR), managers, and legal counsel, each with specific duties and areas of expertise, which include:

Role and Responsibilities of Human Resources 

Human Resources plays a central role in the termination process. They ensure the termination decision complies with Illinois labor laws and company policies. HR is responsible for preparing the necessary documentation, including the termination letter and final paycheck details. They also guide managers on how to conduct termination meetings professionally and respectfully. Post-termination, HR coordinates the exit process. This may include an exit interview and should involve providing the employee benefits information. Additionally, they should manage the retrieval of company property, and may address any claims made by the terminated employee, such as unemployment benefits or wrongful termination.

Role and Responsibilities of Managers 

Managers typically deliver the news of termination to the employee, playing a key role in offering a transparent and respectful reason for the dismissal. This should highlight the “just cause”, whether it’s performance issues, misconduct, or business-related. Managers must work closely with HR to ensure all legal and company policies are followed. They handle the reallocation of tasks previously undertaken by the terminated employee and play a crucial role in maintaining team spirit. Managers should also provide feedback to HR about the termination process, aiding in future policy improvements. 

Role and Responsibilities of Legal Counsel

Legal counsel becomes essential in cases of termination that carry a high risk or involve complex legal matters. Especially in Illinois, where a “just cause” may be challenged by an employee, legal counsel’s role of reviewing termination cases is necessary to ensure compliance with employment laws. Legal counsel advises on the wording of termination documents to avoid ambiguity and legal vulnerabilities. They also offer recommendations on managing delicate terminations, when there’s high risk of legal action. In the event of a lawsuit, legal counsel represents the employer, leveraging their expertise in employment law.

How Long Should the Termination Process Last in Illinois?

The termination process may last longer in Illinois compared to “at-will” employment states. However, provided a “just cause” for termination is clearly outlined by the employer, it should last no longer than a few weeks. 

The process commences with an initial evaluation phase, where an employer assesses the reasons for termination. This should either involve investigating the employee’s performance, conduct, economic or business-related reasons, or all three factors. Depending on the complexity of the situation, an employer and HR may see the need to thoroughly review performance evaluations, disciplinary history, or training records. Following the decision to terminate, the termination meeting will require extensive preparation, beginning with drafting a termination letter, organizing the final paycheck to be issued by the next regular payday, arranging the time of the meeting, and planning the discussion. Coordination with human resources and possibly legal counsel is necessary to ensure all aspects of the termination are legally compliant and handled with due care.

The termination meeting itself should be brief. HR should be present, and the reasons for termination ought to be communicated with empathy and compassion. Other topics of discussion include any severance arrangements, the procedure for returning company property, and the continuation of benefits, if applicable. 

The employee’s final paycheck must be issued by the next regular payday. Communication with the remaining team is important, as they need to understand any changes in organization or work distribution. The entire termination process in Illinois, from the initial decision-making to the final post-termination procedures, should not be too drawn out. Nor should it be rushed, otherwise you may risk reputation and legal standing. Managing a termination at the appropriate pace is essential to maintain morale and avoid unnecessary workplace tension and uncertainty.

How Can You Prepare for Termination in Illinois?

Preparing for termination in Illinois involves a series of steps, which include:

  • Understand Legal Requirements: Firstly, it’s important to understand the laws governing termination in Illinois, acknowledging the state’s Just Cause Regulation. This law restricts employers from terminating employment for no justified reason. Only failure to satisfactorily perform job duties, egregious misconduct, or bona fide economic reasons count as a “just cause” to terminate an employee in Illinois. 
  • Document Performance Issues: If the termination is due to performance issues, ensure that these have been very well-documented. Failure to maintain records of disciplinary actions, performance reviews, and any communication related to performance concerns could leave you vulnerable to legal challenges from the employee. 
  • Review Employment Contracts and Company Policies: Check the employee’s contract and your company’s policies. This ensures you are aware of any specific protocols for termination, such as required notice periods, severance packages, or other terms that were agreed upon at the start of employment. 
  • Arrange the Termination Meeting: The termination meeting requires some preparation. Decide on the time and who should be present (typically an HR representative and the employee’s supervisor). Conducting this meeting in private, preferably outside of regular working hours, is recommended to minimize the impact on the rest of the staff.
  • Handle Final Paycheck and Benefits: Prepare what you will discuss in the termination meeting, including information on the final paycheck and any benefits. In Illinois, the final paycheck must be issued by the next scheduled payday. Make sure the employee understands the timeframe of receiving their paycheck and what benefits they are entitled to such as health insurance under COBRA. 
  • Conduct an Exit Interview: Though it’s not required, holding an exit interview is an appropriate and respectful way to end an employment relationship. Exit interviews can provide valuable feedback and help the employee with closure. However, they must also remain professional and constructive, focusing on mutual understanding and respect.
  • Address Security Concerns and Return of Company Property: Ensure that the employee promptly returns all company property. Also, take immediate steps to protect company data and systems by revoking access to computer systems, email accounts, and premises as appropriate.
  • Communicate with Staff: Plan how you will communicate the employee’s departure to the rest of your team members, considering how it affects them on an individual level and the impact it might have on morale. This communication should be done tactfully, respecting the privacy of the terminated employee while also addressing any questions or concerns staff may have. 
  • Seek Legal Advice When Necessary: If there are any complexities or uncertainties, it’s wise to consult with an employment attorney to ensure all actions are compliant with current laws. 
  • Update and Review Your Records: While updating your employment records to reflect the termination, take time to evaluate how the process went. Ensure all documents are filed appropriately and systematically for future reference and think about possible improvements to company policies, particularly in hiring, training, and managing performance.

Steps for a Respectful Termination Process in Illinois

  • Ensure Legal Compliance: Compare your organization’s policies with employment laws at the federal, state, and local levels. This step is crucial for preventing legal complications and ensuring that the termination process adheres to both your company’s policies and legal standards. It’s particularly important to ensure the termination decision is supported by a “just cause” and does not infringe upon anti-discrimination laws, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act. Adherence to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Illinois WARN Act is also essential. 
  • Document Performance and Conduct Issues: Here, you maintain a record of the employee’s performance issues or any misconduct. This should include performance reviews, written warnings, disciplinary actions, and any relevant communication with the employee. This step provides vital evidence that you have a “just cause” for termination in the event of legal claims.
  • Plan the Termination Meeting: Set up a confidential meeting to inform the employee of their termination. Choose a timing and location that ensures privacy. Prepare the meeting’s outline, detailing the discussion points, and the attendees, including an HR representative and the employee’s supervisor.
  • Conduct the Termination Meeting Professionally: The termination meeting itself should clearly communicate the “just cause” for termination. Be professional and respectful throughout, without being overly personal or emotional. You should also answer any questions the employee might have and explain the next steps in the process, including final paycheck and benefits. This may include other types of compensation owed such as commissions, bonuses, and accrued sick and vacation pay. 
  • Manage Company Property Return: Request the return of company property, including items like ID badges, keys, computers, or mobile devices. Conduct this process in a respectful and orderly manner to ensure that all property is returned and accounted for. 
  • Secure Company Assets and Information: Immediately revoke the employee’s access to company systems, including their email account, computer access, and access to physical premises. This step is critical for protecting sensitive company information and assets.
  • Communicate with the Remaining Team: Communicate the departure to the rest of the team in a way that is respectful to the departing employee. Avoid sharing private details about the termination and focus on the path forward for the team, ensuring continued morale.
  • Inform the Team About the Termination: Let the rest of the team know about the employee’s dismissal. Refrain from discussing private aspects of the termination, and focus instead on maintaining a positive atmosphere at work and ensuring the continuity of operations. Address any questions they might have about how the termination affects the team and the company as a whole going forward. 
  • Record the Termination Process: Maintain comprehensive documentation of the termination process, including details about meetings and communication with the employee. This will ensure you have a strong foundation for defending the company’s decision.
  • Seek Advice from a Legal Professional: If you face any complicated issues or are unsure about anything, consult with an attorney to verify that the termination process applies with state and federal laws. 

Post-Termination: What Happens Next?

After terminating an employee in Illinois, several steps must be taken to ensure a smooth transition and to maintain a positive work environment. Both the employer and the former employee need to be aware of the legal obligations and keep all important documents related to the termination to defend the decision if it’s ever legally challenged, protecting against claims of unjust termination.

The last paycheck should be issued by the next scheduled payday. Prompt payment is not only a legal requirement but is also consistent with a company’s ethics and values. Employers should also inform the employee about options for continuing health insurance under COBRA

After the termination meeting, retrieve all company property from the employee using a detailed checklist to ensure nothing is missed. Addressing how the departure affects the company’s culture and the morale of the remaining employees is also vital. Staff may have questions about the termination and how it may affect the team going forward. Make sure to offer reassurance about job stability, communicating the termination respectfully with an appropriate degree of transparency. This approach is key to maintaining a positive work environment and respecting the privacy of the terminated employee.

Lastly, take time to review the entire termination process, considering its causes and effectiveness. This reflection can highlight areas for improvement in policies and practices to avoid similar situations in the future.

Legal Considerations During Termination in Illinois

  • Just Cause Regulation: Illinois is no longer an “at will” state like most other US states. Instead, employers must ensure that all terminations have a “just cause”. The termination process should therefore involve documenting one of the following termination reasons: failure to perform job duties to a satisfactory standard, egregious misconduct, or bona fide economic reasons. Firing for any other reason may result in wrongful termination claims. 
  • Illinois Human Rights Act: This Act, along with federal laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibits employment termination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, protective order status, military status, citizenship status, work authorization status, and arrest and conviction records. Employers in Illinois must ensure that termination decisions are not discriminatory, as violations could result in lawsuits with significant damages. It’s crucial for employers to document a legitimate, non-discriminatory “just cause” for termination.
  • Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN): In Illinois, the Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) requires companies with 75 or more full-time employees to provide a 60-day notice period in cases of mass layoffs or plant closings, similar to on-site employees. Non-compliance with this law can lead to fines and liabilities, including back pay. 
  • Illinois Labor Laws Regarding Final Pay: In Illinois, employers are required to promptly pay terminated employees their final wages by the next regular payday. This includes all unpaid wages, commissions, bonuses, and accrued sick and vacation pay. Ensuring timely payment of final wages is essential to avoid potential disputes or claims for unpaid wages.
  • Constructive Discharge: In situations of forced resignation, where intolerable workplace conditions compel an employee to quit, claims of wrongful termination may arise. Such claims are legitimate when the work conditions violate legal norms or infringe upon employee rights. 
  • Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act: This act protects employees from termination motivated by retaliation for whistleblowing. Employers who terminate employees for disclosing information about employer misconduct may face legal consequences for violating state law. 

Bonus: Best Practices for Reducing Litigation Risks in Illinois

  • Develop Comprehensive Employment Policies: Establishing clear and comprehensive employment policies is the first step to reducing litigation risks in Illinois. These policies should cover all aspects of the employment relationship, from hiring to expectations regarding workplace conduct and disciplinary measures. Ensure these policies comply with both federal and state regulations.
  • Transparency and Effective Communication Channels: It’s crucial that employees are not only made aware of the employment policies but also feel at ease voicing any issues or complaints they might have. Openly discussing job expectations and resolving any problems promptly can help prevent these issues from escalating into legal challenges. Ensure that there is a process for handling such complaints.
  • Regular Training for Management and Staff: Training for managers and staff on these policies should be regular and consistent. Give special attention to issues such as anti-discrimination, harassment, and safety regulations. Training not only promotes understanding of company policies and the legal framework but also demonstrates your commitment to ensuring a fair and lawful workplace. 
  • Maintain Accurate and Thorough Records: Maintaining comprehensive records of an employee’s history with the company, covering aspects like performance reviews, disciplinary measures, and any reported incidents or grievances, can help minimize legal conflicts. These records are crucial for substantiating employment-related decisions, such as dismissals, and play a key role in defending against claims of unjust termination or discrimination.
  • Fair and Consistent Policy Enforcement: You must apply all policies consistently across the board. This means maintaining uniformity in disciplinary measures and decisions regarding termination to prevent allegations of bias or discrimination.
  • Conduct Regular Legal Compliance Audits: Revisit company policies on a regular basis. Employment laws can change, so it’s essential to frequently reassess them. Consider working with a professional to conduct these audits.
  • Proper Handling of Termination and Exit Processes: When terminating an employee, follow a fair, respectful, and legally compliant process. Exit interviews can be especially helpful in gaining insights about the workplace and resolving any further concerns with departing employees. Documenting the reasons for termination beforehand should ensure this process runs smoothly without causing any legal challenges. 
  • Consult with Legal Experts: Regular consultations with legal experts can help you stay compliant and address potential legal issues, ensuring terminations are conducted fairly and legally. 

Final Thoughts

Firing employees in Illinois demands thoughtful preparation and a thorough understanding of federal and state laws, particularly with regard to the Just Cause Regulation. Employers must monitor both the workplace atmosphere and the legal framework for termination to minimize the risk of litigation. Adherence to clear policies, consistent practices, and respectful communication is key to ensuring terminations are fair and legally defensible.

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