10 Features Construction Time Tracking Software Should Have

A construction time tracker is a tool that is specifically designed to manage, monitor, and record time spent on different tasks, projects, and activities during a construction project.


Two workers looking over a construction project.


Construction time tracking software takes time management to the next level, surpassing traditional methods. With advanced features designed for precision and convenience, these tools ensure:


  • seamless and accurate tracking of work hours directly on-site
  • improved accountability and productivity to keep projects on schedule
  • simplified payroll with faster wage calculations

With a wide range of features available on the market, not all time tracking software offer the same capabilities. To help you make the right choice, we’ve compiled a list of essential features that define a high-quality time tracking solution.


While it’s not necessary for your next software to include every feature on the list, having most of them will set you up for success. Download now!




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