Using Slack bot to clock in and out

Activate the slack bot integration and find out what commands you can use for Slack


Slack is a great way to use Jibble, and it’s free. Simply activate the Slack bot to start tracking time directly from your Slack workspace.

To set it up, you will need:

Note: To use the Jibble bot in Slack, your Jibble account email should match with your Slack email.

This article covers:

Setting up Slack on Jibble

  1. Go to Integrations.

  2. Click on Slack.

  3. You will see a modal that integrates with Slack

  4. Click on “Connect with Jibble”

  5. A new page will be opened (See screenshot below)

  6. Select the workspace on the top right that you want to integrate with Slack,

  7. Then select a channel below where all your Jibble notifications will be posted, i.e. when a team member clocks in and out

  8. Click “Allow” when you’re done

  9. The Slack integration is now complete!

Jibble and Slack are sucesfully connected

Note: A slack user can only use Jibble if they have been added to the Jibble web app. Learn how to add users via the web app.

List of Slack commands

There’s a list of commands that you can use to clock in and out with the Slack bot.

Here’s the full list:

  • in – start recording time

  • break – take a break

  • out – stop recording time

  • all – see who’s working

  • times – check your weekly timesheets

  • log – check your daily logs/timesheets

  • acts – list activities that you can record time against

  • projects – list projects that you can record time against

  • help – Displays help

  • contact – send the Jibble support team a help request or feedback

Explore Jibble’s Slack commands.

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