Managing time off for your team

Add time off for your team members and review time off with ease

With Jibble’s employee vacation tracker, you can easily manage time off for your employees by adding time off and taking actions on time off requests directly in Jibble. This article includes information that’s relevant to Owners, Admins and Managers. 

Before you get started with adding or reviewing time off, be sure you have created time off policies for your team. 

This guide includes:

Time off permissions

Role Permissions
Owner/Admin Owners/Admins can:

  • View time off requests of all members
  • Add time off for all members 
  • Take actions on time off requests for all members 
  • Add time off and take actions on their own time off requests
  • View leave balances for all team members (Premium and Ultimate only)
  • Add/deduct leave balances for all team members (Premium and Ultimate only)
Manager Managers can:

  • View time off requests of their managed members
  • Add time off for their managed members
  • Take actions on time off requests for their managed members
  • Add time off for themselves, however, only an Owner or Admin can take actions on their time off requests
Member Members can:

  • View their own time off requests
  • Request time off for themselves (Premium and Ultimate only)

Adding time off

When adding time off, you will be able to see the total number of leave days a member has remaining based on the entitled amount set for the time off policy.

  1. Go to Time Off from the left navigation menu. 
  2. Click on the Add Time Off button.Add time off button on time off overview page
  3. The Add Time Off sidebar will appear from the right of the screen.
  4. Fill in the required information for your member’s time off:

    • Select the member you want to add a time off for
    • Select a time off policy for the employee’s leave type
    • Select the days or number of hours of time off
      Note: Unit type is dependent on the time off policy created.
    • If the employee is taking a full day off (or days off), select the start date and end date
    • If the employee is taking a number of hours off, select the start date, start time and end time 
    • If required, add a reason or note for the employee’s time off, and attach an image as a supporting document.
      Note: Time off taken by Hours can only be added for up to 24 hours.Add time off sidebar
  5.  Click Save.
  6. The time off added for your team member will now be added to the time off overview.Requested time off on overview page

Note: All time off requests will be in pending state by default until an action is taken. Leave balances will be deducted for pending time off requests.

Reviewing time off

All time off requests will be displayed in the time off overview. 

The actions that can be taken on time off requests are as follows:

  • Edit pending time off requests
  • Approve pending time off requests
  • Reject pending time off requests
  • Cancel approved time off requests

Editing time off requests:

Important: Only time off requests that are in pending state can be edited. 

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. Use the search field to search for a team member or filter time off by date, policies, groups, positions, and statuses to narrow your results.Filters on time off overview page
  3. Click on the pencil icon for the time off you wish to edit.Pencil icon to edit requested time off
  4. Fill in the required information for your member’s time off.
  5. Click Save.

Note: Team members of all roles will be able to edit their own pending time off request.

Approving time off requests:

Important: Only time off requests that are in pending state can be approved. 

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. Use the search field to search for a team member or filter time off by date, policies, groups, positions, and statuses to narrow your results.
    Filters on time off overview page
  3. Click on the green approve button for the time off you wish to approve.Approve time off button for time off request
  4. Confirm your action in the prompt.Pop-up message to approve time off
  5. The time off request will now have the approved status.Approved time off

Rejecting time off requests:

Important: Only time off requests that are in pending state can be rejected. 

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. Use the search field to search for a team member or filter time off by date, policies, groups, positions, and statuses to narrow your results.
  3. Click on the red reject button for the time off you wish to reject.Reject time off button for time off request
  4. Confirm your action in the prompt.Pop-up message to reject time off
  5. The time off request will now have the rejected status.Rejected time off

Note: If an entitlement amount has been set for the time off policy, leave balances will be reverted upon rejecting a time off request.

Cancelling approved time off requests:

Important: Only time off requests that are in approved state can be cancelled by Approvers. Approvers will be able to cancel approved time off requests of their team members while members will only be able to cancel their own pending time off requests.

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. Use the search field to search for a team member or filter time off by date, policies, groups, positions, and statuses to narrow your results.
  3. Click on the X icon for the approved time off you wish to cancel.Button to cancel requested time off
  4. Confirm your action in the prompt.Pop-up message to cancel requested time off
  5. The time off request will now have the cancelled status.Cancelled time off

Note: If an entitlement amount has been set for the time off policy, leave balances will be reverted upon cancelling a time off request.

Bulk operations for time off requests

For quick and easy approvals, you can manage time off requests in bulk. Note that bulk operations are only applicable to time off requests with identical actions.

Tip 💡:  Filter time off requests by status and bulk select requests for simultaneous actions.

  1. Go to Time Off > Overview.Time off overview page
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the requests.Selecting multiple time off requests with the options to reject or approve them

Note: Bulk operations can only be performed for time off requests with identical actions. If you select requests with different actions, you will not be able to perform bulk operations.

  1. Depending on the status of the requests, you will see different action buttons on the top right corner.
    • Pending -> Approve or Reject
    • Approved -> Cancel
    • Rejected and Cancelled requests cannot be selected as no further actions can be performed.
  2. Click on the appropriate action and tap on Confirm.Confirmation to bulk approved requested time off

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