Second Best Toggl Track Alternative

Jibble is the best alternative to Toggl Track, but if Jibble isn't for you then, honestly, Deputy is the SECOND best alternative.

  • Graphic representing Toggl Track on the screens of various devices

    Why seek Toggl Track alternatives?

    Explore better time tracking solutions

    Toggl Track can be really awesome if it fits your specific needs. However, there’s a lot of stuff where they can do better. It’s marred by bugs and glitches, the limited reporting capabilities don’t capture and tackle critical productivity metrics, and the lack of essential features such as scheduling, time-off management, and in-app messaging limits functionality. If you’re looking for something that offers more than just basic time tracking functionalities, you’ll definitely need something other than Toggl Track.

    I’m the CEO of Jibble, and honestly, I think Jibble is the best Toggl Track alternative out there. But if you want to try something else, then you gotta try Deputy – the second best Toggl Track alternative.

  • Deputy web and mobile time and attendance dashboard

    What makes Deputy the 2nd best Toggl Track alternative?

    Features that go beyond what Toggl Track has to offer

    Toggl Track has many similarities with Deputy such as the ability to capture time accurately, a user-friendly interface, and a wealth of integrations. However, Deputy offers many of the things that Toggl Track does not. It has powerful AI-driven scheduling tools, comprehensive reporting capabilities, and a centralized communication newsfeed that allows the easy exchange of information within an organization. It doesn’t just capture worked hours but also allows you to compare time tracking data with wage costs and profits so you can always be sure that your projects are healthy and profitable. 

  • Con deputy la IA te ayuda a programar empleados automáticamente

    AI-Powered Scheduling

    Schedule your team in mere minutes

    Deputy harnesses the power of AI to make scheduling a breeze. This smart solution can give you the edge of always having the right staff scheduled for the right jobs in all of your locations. It considers employee availability, skills, and costs in filling shifts and building optimized schedules. 

  • Sample of Deputy Fair Workweek Compliance Warning for a potential violation

    Fair Workweek Compliance

    Create profitable schedules and avoid penalties

    Deputy allows you to stay on top of federal, state, and local laws governing predictive or secure scheduling so you can protect your business and be assured that you’re compliant. Easily create good faith estimates for your employees and give them advance notice of schedules based on accurate demand forecasts. Avoid costly violations with visual warnings for potential non-compliance, capture and store records of consent for working outside of estimates, and automatically apply the correct premiums for unavoidable changes.

  • Clocking in using Deputy's facial recognition software

    Touchless Time Clock

    Ensuring healthy teams and legal compliance

    When the pandemic hit, one of the things that became a problem point was the use of shared surfaces. Deputy boasts of being the first to release a touchless time employee time clock app to provide a solution to this concern, utilizing facial recognition for clocking in, complete with employee wellness checks to prevent liability risks. Aside from that, the time clock app also ensures that time records are correct and up-to-date. Clear records of legal compliance for missed breaks, working unscheduled hours, late clock-ins, early clock-outs, and compliance with other workplace rules are guaranteed with attestations that keep your business covered. 

  • Deputy Communication Channels in web and mobile views. The web platform shows how a post is created, while the mobile view shows the Newsfeed with several posts from team members.

    Comprehensive Communications

    A platform to keep everyone in the loop

    Deputy has a newsfeed that serves as a centralized communication platform where you can easily relay important information to entire teams or individual members. Improve collaboration and engagement with the ability to share documents, photos, videos, and everything else in an organized manner — kiss the chaos of multiple messaging platforms goodbye forever! Best of all, confirmation requests ensure that your teams have read critical posts, messages, and attachments.

  • Deputy Employee Engagement Feature or ShiftPulse™ dashboards for web and mobile showing employee engagement report on the web dashboard and employee response prompt on the mobile dashboard.

    Improved Employee Engagement

    Know how your teams are feeling

    The workplace can be tough, and it is essential to keep your finger on the pulse of employee sentiments so you can take the proper action to improve their experience. ShiftPulse™ allows employees to share anonymous insights about their shifts with a five-point scale ranging from happy to stressed and comments where they can detail what happened and why it made them feel that way. Responses are translated into reports that reflect employee morale across time so you can take appropriate action to keep the workplace happy, healthy, and engaging. 

  • Deputy Reporting feature dashboard showing different varieties of reports such as Attendance Report by Employee, Attendance Report by Location, Contact Tracing Report, and Journal Usage.

    Actionable and Customizable Insights

    In-depth reporting made easy

    Deputy takes analytics seriously and allows you to see not only the time tracking basics but important productivity metrics as well. It has a library of report templates and an option to build custom reports that give visibility to various aspects of project data and allow comparisons between variables so you can always make evidence-based decisions that help keep profits high, costs low, and margins healthy.

  • Where does Deputy miss the mark?

    Here's why it's only second best

    Deputy has an impressive selection of features, but it doesn’t quite cut the mustard in certain important areas. It’s known to be riddled with bugs and glitches that compromise time tracking, its GPS functionalities have difficulty reflecting large and multi-location operations accurately, and the mobile app has very limited features. They don’t have free plans, and they also charge a minimum monthly spend of $25 “to cover our upfront set-up and ongoing support and technology costs”. 

    This is why Jibble is a better Toggl Track alternative than Deputy. We offer better reliability, fully-featured mobile apps, and a generous 100% FREE version for unlimited users. Plus, our paid plans don’t require any minimum spend at all!

  • Tracking employee attendance using Jibble app

    Why settle for 2nd best when you can be using the best Toggl Track alternative?

    It's 100% FREE for unlimited users

    Your business deserves nothing less than the best time tracking solution in the market. 

    Jibble offers a seamless clock-in and out process with reminders and automations to ensure that employees don’t forget to log their time. We also have a more engaging and user-friendly interface that’s a lot less cluttered than Deputy, and our reporting capabilities are much more advanced and even more customizable. We’re especially proud of our advanced face recognition and GPS technologies that surpass what Deputy has to offer. Our integrations, device usage, and user experience can confidently go head-to-head with those of Deputy and emerge with better performance. 

    And because Jibble is built on clean architecture, you get more stability, fewer bugs, and a super-fast development cycle. Highly-satisfied users attest to our better performance with consistently higher ratings than Deputy on trusted review platforms like Capterra and GetApp, and even on the App Store.

    Check out our product portal to find out more about what we released over the last couple of months and what we have planned.

  • Man on laptop and mobile timesheets

    Experience the Jibble difference…

    ...don't settle for second best

    Have your team up and running in just a couple of minutes! You can easily invite your team to use Jibble via email, SMS, or a simple link.

    When you sign up for Jibble, we’ll guide you through every step of the process for a hassle-free setup. And in case you ever need help with anything, our dedicated customer support team is ready to assist you 24/7.

    Start tracking time NOW!