Add and assign members to groups

Adding your members into groups is simple

Grouping allows you to organize your members into distinct clusters. These clusters might represent various categories like location, department, or a collaborative team with shared objectives and settings. It’s important to note that while anyone can be part of a group, they can only belong to a single group at a time. However, managers, administrators, and owners have the ability to oversee multiple groups without being members of those groups themselves.

There are a few ways to add members to a group:

1) Create a group and add group members

2) Select people to add to a group

3) Add members directly to the group

1) Create a group and add group members directly

If it’s your first time creating a group, you can assign members to your group here.Creating a new group in Jibble


  1. Go to People > Groups.
  2. Click “Create Group”.
  3. Enter your group name, assign a group manager and assign members to your group.
  4. Tap on Save.

2) Select people to add to a group

If you’ve already created a group(s), you can always add more members to an existing group.

Adding a member to a group via members tabSteps:

  1. Go to People > Members.
  2. Hover over the member you wish to include.
  3. Click on the three-dot icon at the end of the member’s row.
  4. Choose “Add to a group.”
  5. Select the desired group for this member.
  6. Save.

You can also bulk assign multiple members into one group. All you need to do is select all the relevant members, then follow the same steps above.Adding members in bulk to a group

3) Add members directly to a group

If you’ve already created a group(s), you may also directly add members to an existing group by accessing the group page.

Adding members to a group directly via groupsSteps:

  1. Go to People > Groups.
  2. Select a Group.
  3. Click on “Add Members”
  4. Add and assign more members to the group.
  5. Save.

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