Tracking time for a team member
If your team member is unable to clock in for some reason, you can track time for them on their behalf
As a manager, admin or owner, if your team member is unable to clock in for some reason, you can step in and clock in/out for them.
There are two ways you can track employee time for your team member:
Add a time entry from the timer on top
Next to the timer icon, there is a drop-down arrow.
You are able to use it to search for their members, and clock in, take a break or clock out for them if needed.
You will go through the same process of tracking time (filling up and confirming the time entry). After that, you will see a message on the side that confirms the action of clocking in/break/out for the team member.
Depending on your permission as an admin or manager, you may or may not be able to track time for your member here.
Managers can only see and track the time of the members they manage.
Admins can see and track time for anyone, but their permissions are configurable.
Read more about permissions in Jibble.
Manually add a time entry from their detailed timesheet

Alternatively, you can follow the same process described above directly on the member’s detailed timesheet.
You may want to read more adding a time entry.
Note: Any time entries that are not tracked in real-time are considered manual time entries.