7 Time Tracking Best Practices in US Education

Written by Asim Qureshi
By Asim Qureshi, CEO Jibble

My name is Asim Qureshi, I’m the CEO of Jibble, formerly a VP at Morgan Stanley. I’m a physics grad and have a passion for teaching.

I’ve taught mathematics to underprivileged inner-city children, I am the dad of 3 homeschooled kids – my kids have achieved some pretty incredible things academically – for example, my son is the youngest person in the history of the UK A-level, an exam for 18-year-olds, to have achieved an A-grade which he did when he was 10.

Anyway, I firmly believe that schools and universities need to embrace technology to maximize student potential, and I explain exactly how here…

Time tracking and education don’t often seem like a natural fit. I mean, what does time tracking have to do with US education anyway? Does it really belong in a classroom or academic setting? Well, time tracking best practices for US education can actually do more than you might expect. And we’ll talk exactly how in this article, along with the many things you can do to implement time tracking effectively in schools.

This article covers…

Why is Time Tracking Important in US Education?

Final Thoughts: How Time Tracking Improves US Education


Why is Time Tracking Important in US Education?

“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite.” – President Barack Obama, first Speech to a Joint Session of Congress.

Time tracking in US education refers to student attendance and staff work time tracking. Both of these aspects are crucial for optimizing education outcomes.

Student attendance is an indicator of student engagement, motivation, and performance. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, students regularly attending school are more likely to learn the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in college and their careers.

Staff work time tracking shows how much time teachers and other school workers spend on their work. Teachers and staff use time tracking data to use resources better and check their performance.

Time tracking can also help schools comply with federal and state regulations, such as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which asks schools to report on student attendance and how many students miss school often.

Tip 1: Make Clear Attendance Policies

Time tracking and attendance practices need to align with your educational standards and expectations. They should be fair, consistent, and accurate in covering all aspects of activities within your educational institution.

Your attendance policies should define how, when, and why you track time for your staff members and students. They should also specify the roles and responsibilities of each person. And they should describe what happens and how to fix it if there are any problems or mistakes.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Time Tracking Tools

You want to make sure that your time tracking tools are easy to use, reliable, and secure for your educational institution. You don’t want to use tools that are outdated, complicated, or vulnerable to errors and fraud. There are different types of education time tracking tools that you can choose from for your educational institution, such as…

  • Education time tracking software that runs on your computer or web browser.
  • Mobile student time trackers that can work on your smartphone or tablet. Some of these apps can use geofencing technology, which allows you to set up virtual boundaries around specific locations. This way, you can track your students’ and staff’s attendance and location when they enter or exit those areas.
  • Or you can set up attendance kiosks near entrances that use facial recognition.

When comparing different options, you need to consider some key features, such as…

  • How easy it is to set up, connect and take care of the tools.
  • Data collection and storage need to comply with all labor and education laws.
  • And you need to check how well, how easily, and how much they can do.

Selecting the right time tracking tools for your educational institution can optimize your time tracking processes and outcomes. You can save time and money by reducing manual work and errors. You can also improve your educational quality and performance by having accurate and actionable data.

Tip 3: Enhance Student Attendance Tracking

Various time tracking technologies can help you enhance your student attendance tracking. For example, biometric scanners, RFID tags, QR codes, or mobile apps can record student attendance in real-time. You can also use cloud-based software to store, analyze, and report on your attendance data.

By using these education time tracking solutions, you can enjoy the benefits of accurate attendance tracking for your students and your institution. Help students grow in interest, motivation, and success by rewarding attendance and giving quick feedback. You can also improve your educational quality, accountability, and compliance by having good data to inform your decisions and actions.

Tip 4: Streamline Staff Work Time Tracking

You know how important it is to track your work time as a staff member in your educational institution. Your work time reflects your efforts, contributions, and achievements in your educational role. It also affects your compensation, evaluation, and career development.

A time tracking software or app can help you automate and simplify your work time tracking process. For example, you can use it to start and stop a timer when you begin and end a task. Or log your hours, activities, and projects. And you can use it to generate reports and invoices based on your work time data.

By using a time tracking software or app, you can enjoy the benefits of accurate work time tracking for yourself and your institution. You can improve your productivity, performance, and satisfaction by showing your work time and progress.


Tip 5: Support Students with Data Analytics

You want to help your students succeed in their education. You want to know if they have problems or challenges that may affect their learning. Data analytics can help you determine which students may need more support or help from you.

Data analytics is using data to understand and improve things. You can use data analysis tools to look at your student data and see how they are doing. You can track their progress, see their strengths and weaknesses, and find out what they like and don’t like. You can also see patterns or changes in their behavior or performance that may show if they are struggling, falling behind, or losing interest.

Using data analytics can provide better support and help to your students. You can reach out to them before they give up or drop out. Or give them feedback, encouragement, and advice. Personalized assistance can be designed that matches their needs and goals.

Tip 6: Use Data to Help Teachers Improve

To create a thriving educational environment, empower and nurture your teachers. Identifying any challenges or gaps they may face and providing timely support is crucial for their professional development. This is where data analytics comes into play.

Data analytics helps you give the right support and training to your teachers. By talking to them early, you can solve problems before they get worse and affect their mood. Giving positive and helpful feedback, praise, and advice can also make them feel more confident in their work. Also, you can help them deal with difficulties and improve their teaching skills by giving them training that matches their needs and goals.

Tip 7: Integrate Time Tracking with HR and Payroll Systems

Simplify and streamline your processes for staff members and students by integrating your time tracking with your HR and payroll systems. Avoid the hassle of dealing with disparate and outdated systems that don’t communicate effectively. Achieve seamless integration to ensure smoother operations and accurate record-keeping.

Integration offers numerous benefits. You can save valuable time and financial resources by reducing manual work and minimizing errors. Accurate and timely data empowers efficient payroll management, enabling precise calculations and prompt payment of salaries, benefits, taxes, and deductions. Correct and timely compensation can enhance staff satisfaction and retention, fostering a positive work environment.

Final Thoughts: How Time Tracking Improves US Education

Enhance your US educational institution by using good time tracking practices. You can track attendance better, optimize your staff time, use data to assist your students and teachers, and provide them with training and support. These things can help your students be more engaged and stay in school, simplify your work and speed up your processes, help your students with their needs and goals, and help your teachers develop and improve.

Make your work more efficient and clear by integrating your time tracking and attendance data with your HR and payroll systems. Customize your time tracking solutions to suit your needs and ensure your data is secure and private. Also create a culture of time management and responsibility in your education. This can make your learning place more productive.

By implementing these time tracking strategies, you can enhance your US education, create a positive environment for students, and support educators and staff in their performance. Time tracking becomes a valuable tool in improving education quality, fostering growth, and building a brighter future for everyone.