100% FREE MS Teams Timesheet Integration

Simplify timesheet management and enjoy seamless tracking and collaboration directly within Microsoft Teams.

Jibble dashboard embedded in Microsoft Teams
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  • Clock in and out with Jibble's functionalities within Microsoft Teams

    Seamless time tracking within MS Teams

    Forget juggling between Teams and a separate timesheet app

    Integrate Jibble with Microsoft Teams to start, pause, and stop timers for tasks and projects directly within Teams chats – all with simple bot commands.

    Using Jibble in Microsoft Teams
  • MS Teams on web and mobile

    Across web and mobile platforms

    Stay productive and engaged anytime, anywhere

    Whether at your desk or on the move, gain access to your team’s workspace and transition seamlessly between Teams’ web and mobile apps without losing track of time or tasks.

  • Sync time entries automatically across all platforms

    Effortless integration

    Streamline your workflow

    Our integration effortlessly blends into MS Teams, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience. Connect your timesheets seamlessly for easy access and management of time-related tasks.

  • Automatically calculate work hours and overtime

    Automated timesheet syncing

    Eliminate manual effort

    Track time in Jibble and have your hours sync seamlessly within MS Teams, ensuring accuracy and saving precious time on data entry.

    Timesheet app
  • Jibble time tracking dashboard in MS Teams

    Real-time collaboration, real-time tracking

    Collaborate and track time simultaneously

    Gain instant visibility into employee hours while working together seamlessly on tasks and projects. With Jibble’s MS Teams Timesheet integration, you can collaborate effectively and ensure precise time tracking, all in one fluid experience.

    Microsoft Teams time tracking
  • Customziable-overtime-settings-Arabic

    Accurate timesheet calculations

    Focus on your tasks while Jibble handles time tracking

    Let Jibble take the hassle out of timesheet calculations. All tracked hours are accurately compiled and categorized into regular hours and overtime hours, simplifying timesheet management processes.

    Employee overtime tracker
  • Pie charts & bar charts to show tracked data

    Detailed reporting and analysis

    Everything you need in one platform

    Generate accurate logs of timesheets and reports directly from Teams. Say goodbye to tedious manual data entry and hello to saving time and informed decision-making!

    Time tracker with reporting and analytics
  • Reminders and alerts in MS Teams

    Reminders and alerts

    When you need them

    Stay on top of your game with personalized reminders and notifications in Microsoft Teams. Customize clock-in and clock-out reminders and receive alerts for tardiness, ensuring punctuality and efficient time management within your team.

    Setting up reminders
  • Send invitation to members by email, SMS or via links

    Get started with Jibble today!

    Onboard your team in minutes

    Invite your team to your organization, effortlessly integrate Jibble with MS Teams, and have your team jibbling right away. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive setup, onboarding your team takes mere minutes.

    Get onboarded NOW!